Doesn’t There Have To Be A Smarter Way To Shop For Employee Benefits?
Every year, when you renew your employee health plan, it seems like what you want is simple: affordable, quality care with the right balance of choice and coverage for everyone at your company. So why does it feel so difficult to find what you need?
What if, next time around, you could just do it all smarter? Find a health plan professional who was smart enough to understand what you, your business, and your employees are really looking for. Find customer service that was smart enough to put your interests first and wrap your unique needs into your own fully personalized plan. And find a broker who was smart enough to team big corporation heft with small company attention to detail.
With A CORE Benefits Advisor, You’ve Found It All.
By choosing a CORE member, you’re accessing deep and wide professional experience of the employee health insurance market. Every CORE broker has been advising businesses like yours to deliver smarter service, smarter options and smarter savings.